Local Rules


MODEL LOCAL RULES REFERRED TO BELOW ARE FOUND IN THE OFFICIAL GUIDE TO THE RULES OF GOLF, SECTION 8- COMMITTEE PROCEDURES The Notice to Players will be provided at the starter’s table and should be reviewed prior to the start of play. Players should not refer to host club scorecards for Local Rules as they may not be in effect.

CODE OF CONDUCT: the MGA’s Code of Conduct for competitors, caddies and guests is in effect at all MGA administered championships and qualifiers, as described in the Code of Conduct on the starter’s table.

OUT OF BOUNDS: Defined by the line between the course-side points, at ground level, of white stakes and fence posts. Where stone walls define Out of Bounds the wall is a Boundary Object. A ball is considered Out of Bounds when it comes to rest beyond the wall. A ball coming to rest on or beyond a road defined as Out of Bounds is Out of Bounds, even though it may lie on another part of the Course that is in bounds for other holes. Gates in boundary fences are Integral Objects.

PENALTY AREAS: When a Penalty Area is defined on only one side, it extends to infinity. When a Penalty Area is connected to the Out of Bounds edge, the Penalty Area extends to and coincides with Out of Bounds. Artificial walls and pilings when located in Penalty Areas and Bunkers are Integral Objects. No free relief is available.

RELIEF ON OPPOSITE SIDE OF RED PENALTY AREA: When the edge of a Red Penalty Area coincides with the boundary of the course, opposite side relief is available as prescribed in Section 8 of the Committee Procedures. Model Local Rule B-2.1 is in effect, as amended by Model Local Rule B-2.2 and Clarification to Model Local Rule B-2.

GROUND UNDER REPAIR: Defined by white lines. French drains are Ground Under Repair. For grass-covered trenching, see Temporary Power Lines and Cables.

Ground Under Repair may include areas of unusual damage, including areas where spectators or other traffic has combined with wet conditions to affect materially the ground surface, but only when so declared by an authorized member of the Committee. When immediately adjacent to an Immovable Obstruction, such an area is part of that Obstruction.

RELIEF FROM SEAMS OF CUT TURF: Local Rule as prescribed in Section 8 of the Committee Procedures is in effect. Model Local Rule F-7.

DECORATIVE FLOWER BEDS AND TURF NURSERIES are No Play Zones and treated as Ground Under Repair. Player must proceed under Rule 16.1.

BUNKER LINERS: An authorized member of the Committee may treat an exposed Bunker liner as Ground Under Repair, but interference does not exist if the liner only interferes with a player’s Stance.

AERATION HOLES: Local Rule as prescribed in Section 8 of the Committee Procedures is in effect. Model Local Rule E-4.

STAKES AND CABLES SUPPORTING TREES (but not the trees themselves) are Immovable Obstructions. Relief is available under Rule 16.1.


WHITE LINES TIED INTO OBSTRUCTIONS: White-lined areas connected to an Obstruction are a single Abnormal Course Condition when taking relief under Rule 16.1.

WOOD CHIPS AND MULCH are Loose Impediments.

CABLES, RODS, WIRES AND WRAPPINGS when closely attached to trees are Integral Objects. No free relief is available.

BALL DEFLECTED BY OVERHEAD POWER LINE; Local Rule as prescribed in Section 8 of the Committee Procedures is in effect. Model Local Rule E-11 is in effect and modified as follows: if it is known or virtually certain that a player’s ball hit a power line in bounds, the stroke does not count. The player must play a ball without penalty from where the previous stroke was made (see Rule 14.6 for what to do).

TEMPORARY POWER LINES AND CABLES: Local Rule as prescribed in Section 8 of the Committee Procedures is in effect. Model Local Rule F-22.

TEMPORARY IMMOVABLE OBSTRUCTIONS: Local Rule as prescribed in Section 8 of the Committee Procedures is in effect. Model Local Rule F-23. Either side relief, if provided, is described in the Notice to Players on the starter’s table.

LIST OF CONFORMING DRIVER HEADS: Local Rule as prescribed in Section 8 of the Committee Procedures is in effect. Model Local Rule G-1

LIST OF CONFORMING GOLF BALLS: Local Rule as prescribed in Section 8 of the Committee Procedures is in effect. Model Local Rule G-3

BROKEN OR SIGNIFICANTLY DAMAGED CLUB: Local Rule as prescribed in Section 8 of the Committee Procedures is in effect. Model Local Rule G-9 PACE OF PLAY: Players shall play without undue delay. See separate pace of play policy posted at the starter’s table, if applicable.

STOPPING AND RESUMING PLAY: Local Rule as prescribed in Section 8 of the Committee Procedures is in effect. Model Local Rule J-1.

All practice areas are closed during an immediate suspension for a dangerous situation until the Committee has declared them open. Players who practice on closed practice areas will be asked to stop practicing; failure to stop practicing might result in disqualification. An immediate suspension will be signaled by one prolonged airhorn note, and players must immediately suspend play. All other types of suspension will be signaled by three consecutive airhorn notes. Resumption of play shall be signaled by two short airhorn notes.

PRACTICE: Prior to and after a round in stroke play, a player may practice on the designated practice areas. Rule 5.2b is modified in this way: A player may not practice on the competition course before or between rounds. Penalty for breach of local rule, see Rule 5.2.

SPIKED GOLF SHOES: Local Rule as prescribed in Section 8 of the Committee Procedures is in effect. Model Local Rule G-7.

CADDIE/CARTS: It is the policy of the MGA that caddies be assigned to players by the club caddie manager. Players may bring and use their own caddie only when specifically noted on the Notice to Players. There may be occasions when players are required to use a cart or a club caddie. Local Rule as prescribed in Section 8 of the Committee Procedures is in effect. Model Local Rule H-1.2, as modified by the Notice to Players on the starter’s table.

USE OF MOTORIZED TRANSPORTATION PROHIBITED: Local Rule as prescribed in Section 8 of the Committee Procedures is in effect. Model Local Rule G-6. [This rule may be modified in certain MGA events. See Notice to Players on starter’s table.]

MISSING PLAYER OR MARKER CERTIFICATION: Model Local Rule L-1 as prescribed in Section 8 of the Committee Procedures is in effect.

SCORE CARD COLLECTION: Immediately on completion of a round, the competitor shall return his or her card to the Committee. A score card is considered “returned” once the player has left the score card collection area with no intent to return to the area.